Johan Håstad has received the Knuth prize, that is awarded for outstanding contributions to the foundations of computer science.
The Knuth prize is awarded to individuals for their overall impact in the field. Professor Håstad receives the prize for his contributions to the areas of cryptography, optimization, parallel computing and complexity theory.
The Knuth Prize is named after Donald E. Knuth, an American computer scientist and mathematician, and author of the fundamental work ‘The Art of Computer Programming’. The prize is awarded by ACM SIGACT and by IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on the Mathematical Foundations of Computing, two major research organizations within computer science and electronics. The prize will be awarded at the IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science in Paris in October.
Anders Ynnerman has received the IEEE Visualization Technical Achievement Award for his contribution to the technology behind scientific visualization.
His contributions have had an extraordinary significance both in medicine and for the possibilities to communicate science to the public, the pricing committee writes in the motivation. The prize will be awarded in connection with the IEEE Visualization Conference, IEEE VIS 2018, in Berlin in October.
Published: August 20th, 2018