Anders Ynnerman leads the investigation on computational infrastructure for the future of AI research in Sweden.
Two days were organized for WASP community members including networking and updating newly recruited members on recent developments in the WASP program. The AI expansion was covered on both days and input was gained on course content for the AI MLX and AI Math graduate schools that are taking form.
During Industry day on May 17th, supervisors for the industrial graduate students were brought up to speed on cluster reformations within the WASP Autonomous Systems and the WASP AI expansion. The aim of the day was also to bring the industrial PhD student supervisors together to share experiences and receive input from the industry representatives through panel and open floor discussions. The planned graduate school orientations were presented while input for their course contents will be collected through an open call that will open shortly. Torbjörn Lundh, member of the graduate school management group for AI Mathematics, stressed the importance of mathematics teachers in joining and contributing to the AI effort for a long term investment in the field. The open discussions resulted in the conclusion that more initiatives for including and supporting the industrial PhD student supervisors will be organized, with thematic half days for supervisors and managers from the industry.
70 MSEK reserved for WASP investments in infrastructure for AI
What is the state of computational infrastructure in regards to the expansion of AI research and applications in Sweden? That is the question that Anders Ynnerman will examine in more detail. Together with the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), WASP will investigate the matter and answer the question on investments required for a computing infrastructure for Swedish AI research. Therefore, an open hearing with stakeholders will be organized on June 1st in Stockholm where also workshops will take place. The report is to be finalized during summer and presented on October 1st. The investigation will focus on the infrastructure requirements addressing research needs, but, as Anders Ynnerman pointed out, the investigations will be conducted with a focus on industry needs. Further, efforts made to strengthen the computational infrastructure in Sweden should be synchronized.
See the complete program of the two days here.
Published: May 23rd, 2018