January 2022, Wallenberg AI and Transformative Technologies Education Development Program (WASP-ED), a new national program for educational development in AI was launched by WASP and its sister program WASP-HS. The program is funded by a grant of SEK 18.6 million from Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation.
The purpose of this open information meeting is to give an overview of WASP-ED and provide an opportunity to ask questions and discuss with the leaders of the six working areas. See full program below.
To receive information about WASP-ED, please sign up here.
Meeting Recording
2022-04-20 WASP-ED Open Information Presentation
10.00-11.00 Overview by Program Director Fredrik Heintz and Q&A (will be recorded)
11.00-12.00 Round table discussions for each work area in breakout rooms:
Work Area 1: AI Curriculum (Helena Lindgren, Fredrik Heintz)
Work Area 2: Program Development (Amy Loutfi, Alan Said)
Work Area 3: Course Development (Mikael Sundström, Anna Foka)
Work Area 4: Pedagogical Development & Learning Analytics (Teresa Cerrato-Pargman, Olga Viberg)
Work Area 5: Technical Platform & Education Data (Jan Gulliksen, Joakim Lilliesköld)
Work Area 6: Teaching Competence Development (Thomas Hillman, Kristin Ewins)