Axel Flinth is a WASP Assistant Professor in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at Umeå University. Dr Flinth was recruited by WASP in 2022.
WASP Assistant Professor at Umeå University.
Being a WASP researcher is a unique opportunity to work on a fascinating and timely topic under excellent conditions.
Very nice conditions for research.
My research concerns equivariant neural networks – networks that by design respect certain symmetries in the data. I am trying to understand what mathematical properties they have. When are they worthwhile to apply? What learning tasks can they solve? In particular, in what ways do they behave differently from their non-equivariant counterparts?
Neural networks have proven to perform extremely well in practice, but there is much we do not understand about why that is. The long-term hope is that my research can contribute to change that.