Örebro University and the School of Science and Technology are offering two PhD positions in Computer Science with a focus on integrating Machine Learning and Machine Reasoning, concluding with the doctoral degree. The PhD student will be affiliated with the research Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS, http://www.oru.se/aass), which carries out multi-disciplinary research at the intersection of robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision and measurement technology.
Project description
The project will investigate how to develop systems that learn and reason in an artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems context. While there has been a lot of progress on both machine learning and machine reasoning, their integration remains a key open challenge in artificial intelligence and autonomous systems. The distinction between learning and reasoning is related to the differences between fast and slow thinking, between data-driven and knowledge-based approaches, and between symbolic versus sub-symbolic representations. The project will build upon neuro-symbolic computation as a paradigm for integrating (neural-based) learning and symbolic reasoning. The goal of the project is to develop human-computer interaction approaches relying on neural-symbolic solutions to address problems related to natural language processing (NLP), conversational AI and user modelling.